
Scoil Mhúire Naofa National School, Carrigtwohill Educational Campus, Co. Cork, Ireland


Carrigtwohill, Cork, Ireland


Department of Education & Skills






Approx. 5,000m2


Completed September 2023

Key Numbers:

24 classrooms and 2 Class SNU


Scoil Mhúire Naofa National School – one of five schools delivered in parallel, for which C.J. Falconer & Associates have acted as architects as part of the ABM Design and Build Ltd. Team, under the Department of Education & Skills’ Design and Build Schools Framework 1.

The project comprises of the provision of a new 3 storey primary school building with 24 classrooms and 2 Classroom Special Needs Unit (SNU) with a physical education hall, support teaching spaces and ancillary accommodation.

Architectural features include a 3-stotrey brick elevation, extensively landscaped student social area, lively internal colour schemes, a continuous canopy, a courtyard, and a 3-storey atrium to the centre to the school, with rooflight.

The site works to the school grounds consisted of the provision of cycle spaces, bin store/external store, 4 no. ball courts, playing field, secure special play area, extensive landscaping, and new entrance, as well high quality boundary treatment, and all other associated site development works.

The works to the remainder of the school grounds consisted of the provision of car parking spaces, disabled access car parking spaces, drop-off and pick-up facilities. Inline channel and onsite attenuation storage measures are incorporated into the development to manage flood risk.